Monday, January 21, 2013

After I left the hangout...

So, I had to leave that ePortfolio hangout before it ended and - just my luck - the last topic happened to be the one I am most immediately interested in - a professional ePortfolio.   Ben asked if anyone was working on an ePortfolio as a way of showing one's strengths in PD, for example.  Actually, when I declare this week in our MultiMOOC session, I plan to state that I will be developing my ePortfolio as an electronic promotion folder. I just contacted our Instructional Designers at my university and asked for access to our digication site.  I mentioned that I was thinking of submitting my candidacy for a promotion via an ePortfolio.  I am not sure, but they said they would have to get back to me about that, so I may be the first one to try it.  If anyone out there knows of universities that accept ePortfolios for promotion/reappointment, etc.  please let me know.
I am excited to begin and hope to follow through, even if I have to submit a hard copy also.

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